

WHAT BUGS THE FBI: The FBI and industry experts are haggling over how to make new communications equipment easier to wiretap without opening the technological door to computer hackers and industrial spies. The talks began after legislation proposed by the FBI ignited opposition from telephone companies, computer manufacturers and civil liberties groups last year. . . . The FBI wants to facilitate the tapping of digital phone and computer lines, which are not nearly as accessible as their analog counterparts. Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.), head of a key Senate panel, had been set to push the FBI’s proposal to require that all equipment be tappable. But industry screamed that the bill would cover not only phone companies, but also electronic mail and interactive cable systems, among other new technologies. Privacy, security and cost concerns were cited. Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Hollings’ counterpart in the House, ordered a General Accounting Office study, which called the FBI plan ill-defined . . . . Now, the talks are said to be making progress.
