
Mysterious Nauseous Odor Drives 10 From Post Office


An Encino post office was evacuated Monday afternoon after several employees and customers became nauseated and suffered breathing difficulties, which postal officials said they suspect was caused by some type of “pepper bomb.”

“They are not sure if it was set off outside or if it was some kind of prank by someone who walked in,” said Erica Parrino, manager of the post office on Genesta Avenue, across from Encino Park just north of Ventura Boulevard.

Seven employees and three customers were in the station about 4 p.m. when people began coughing, said Shari Robles, a Postal Service employee.


The post office was closed and everyone inside was evacuated to Encino Park, where they were treated by paramedics. All but one were taken to local hospital emergency rooms where most were treated for minor respiratory problems and released.

Robles, however, remained hospitalized. “I still can’t breathe properly and I still feel nauseated,” Robles said through her oxygen mask at Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center.

A hazardous materials team from the Los Angeles Fire Department “took instant readings and found nothing,” said Phil Weireter, a Fire Department spokesman.


Firefighters told Robles and others that they suspected the nauseous irritant was cayenne pepper, which is sometimes used in a Mace-like disabling spray meant to be used for personal protection.

Parrino said that postal inspectors who sifted through the 25,000 pieces of mail at the post office do not believe that the irritant came into the post office through the mail.

Jeff Ward, supervisor of distribution operations, said the mail would be trucked to the Van Nuys processing center. “It won’t hold up the mail--it will go through,” he said.


David Colker is a staff writer and Scott Glover is a correspondent.
