
Toll Roads Will Traffic in Destruction

As we read the article on the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park’s dedication (“Long-Awaited Park Opens to Public,” April 11), we felt the need to comment on Kenneth Brunner’s statement: “On a day we celebrate some of the significant wins for the county and the state, those who haven’t chosen to make their views known at public meetings lodge their protests.”

Mr. Brunner was referring to the many people who were holding signs and one large banner that read “Save Our Environment/Stop the Toll Roads.” We were with others holding the banner. Maybe we didn’t attend all of the public meetings, but we did attend one recently at UC Irvine where everyone came to appear on the panel except the invited representatives of the Transportation Corridor Agencies!

Yes, we did come to protest--but not the dedication of the beautiful open space that the citizens of Laguna Beach were forced to purchase from the Irvine Co. in order to save the area from development. We came to protest the fact that the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor will bisect this beautiful area. Within this wilderness park one must stay in restricted areas and be led by docents so as not to disturb the wonders of the surrounding natural habitat. Yet not too far away from this natural habitat a monstrous toll road is planned to completely devastate the natural habitat. Explain that to us, please.


We will continue to protest all three toll roads, as for each of them some of Orange County’s most beautiful open space is planned for destruction.



