
Taking off With Different Views About Living With Airport Noise

I’ve lived in Harbor Highlands 33 years and am tired of being lumped in with (Joseph Bell’s) “rich cousins in Newport Beach.” The border between Santa Ana Heights and Newport Beach doesn’t greatly change the impact of takeoff procedures from John Wayne Airport.

Sorry you are unable to listen to your new Christmas CD, Mr. Bell; I don’t even own one. However, I do enjoy a writing group once a month in my home, and we can’t hear ourselves read our work when the planes take off--and that’s with the windows closed.

When I moved into my home 33 years ago, I knew the airport was there but had no vision of its international growth. What did you expect when you moved into your home? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Mr. Bell. We should be working together, not blaming one another, to stop this noise. I’m in the same boat you are, only I’m going it solo, on Social Security, have my home in a Reverse Mortgage so I can meet my obligations--and I can’t leave.



Newport Beach
