
Attorneys and Estate Matters

In recent weeks, The Times has published a number of articles and editorials about unethical lawyers preying upon the estates of clients by making themselves the beneficiaries of those estates.

It is good PR for the County Bar Assn. and the State Bar to righteously vow to investigate and take action “to identify and root out the unethical lawyers” (“The Bar: Part of the Solution,” editorial, Feb. 18). The editorial goes on to state, “Sadly, these cases may be only the tip of the iceberg.”

The “iceberg,” and there are many, did not form overnight; they have been charted for a long time. But our legislators, who are supposed to guide our ship of state, choose to ignore their presence.


Instead, our legislators have bowed to the efforts of the powerful lobby of the State Bar and its associations. This, of course, does not benefit the many honest and ethical practitioners or the public.

The accused attorneys vigorously deny any “wrongdoing,” as they call it. They claim they have not broken any law. Of course, there are none. Investigate! Investigate!

Same old story by the Bar Assn. Why does not the bar investigate the probate laws and some of the other laws allowing attorneys to give themselves handsome fees for services not rendered?


Shyster lawyers preying on vulnerable clients is not something new. Nor is it unique to Orange County. Such nefarious “practice” has been going on for decades in all of California. These miscreants will continue to engage in (these activities). There is no law to prevent them.

In any other business, ripping off the public is called fraud, and the person committing it would land in jail and be heavily sanctioned for his misdeeds.

The State Bar can call it “malfeasance,” or “possible malfeasance,” and say there was no law broken.


Simply stated, if there is no law to violate, there is no violation. A slap on the wrist will get you off, but you can still keep the chickens.


Los Alamitos
