
Montebello City Council Members’ 40% Pay Increase

Hats off to Councilman Ed Pizzorno. It seems only he remembers that he was elected, not hired to our City Council. A 40% pay increase! Come on, fellas, what are you going to tell our police, fire and city employees come contract time? Think you can tell them that they don’t need a 10% or more pay increase but the City Council deserved a 40% pay increase? (Times, Feb. 11)

Big deal that the city staff report states that council members of five nearby cities are paid more. Save the residents of Montebello the 40% pay increase by moving to one of those five cities and run for council there.

Mayor William Molinari and Councilmen Jess Ramirez, Art Payan and Arnold Alvarez-Glasman voted in favor of this pay increase. Thinking like this helped the Montebello School District get to where it is today--a financial shamble. And I’m sure they’re thinking this won’t happen to us. Yeah, right!


Heck, I know two of our current council members who holler when certain city employees receive a 10% raise. It’s like I’ve always said, politics is like the horns on a steer--a point here, a point there and a lot of bull in between.

Anyone out there receive a 40% pay increase lately?


