
MOORPARK : Committee to Study Growth Ordinance

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An advisory committee appointed by the Moorpark City Council to study whether the city’s growth-control ordinance should be extended has tentatively scheduled its first meeting for next month.

The group, composed of two councilmen, two planning commissioners and four members of the public, is scheduled to begin discussing the future of controlled growth in the city on March 9.

Measure F, the growth-control initiative enacted by public referendum in 1986 is set to expire on Dec. 31, 1994.


Councilman Bernardo Perez, one of the members of the committee, said he hopes to “find what the sense of the community is at this time and as they look into the future regarding the question of managed growth and how best to implement it.”

The council has asked the advisory group to discuss in what form growth control should be extended, if at all, and whether the matter should again be put before the voters.

The council also is seeking advice on what the city should do with the roughly two years of building permits that were available but not applied for because of the sluggish economy.


“There’s a whole range of questions there,” said Perez, who will serve with Councilman John Wozniak, Planning Commissioners Christina May and Steve Brodsky, and residents Ellis Green, Bob Heitzman, Joyce Thompson and Dorothy Ventimiglia.
