
LANCASTER : Redevelopment Agency Gets Field of Joshua Trees

A 22.5-acre parcel of land once considered a possible Joshua tree preserve has been given to the Lancaster redevelopment agency.

The redevelopment agency is negotiating with a developer interested in buying some of the property. The agency voted to acquire the property from the city for $1.27 million. The city originally purchased the vacant land, without having it appraised, for $1.1 million in December, 1991, from Joseph Rivani, a land investor. Rivani, who was delinquent on his property taxes at the time, paid about $760,500 for the land three years earlier.

The U-shaped parcel of land lies in an open field of Joshua trees on the south side of Avenue K between 45th and 50th streets West. Adjoining the city property is a 60-acre Kaufman and Broad housing development.
