
Abortion Case Deliberations

To save the lives of unborn children, the pro-life movement must redirect itself to winning the hearts and minds of individual women one at a time, one day at a time, one neighborhood at a time. The politics of confrontation must be transformed into the politics of persuasion through compassion and love.

Women who become pregnant and who do not want the child must be given reasons why they should want to keep the child. They must be given alternatives to abortion. So many women who become pregnant have no insurance to cover the cost of prenatal care and delivery. Many are single or already have one or two children or are students and have no financial resources. They are frightened by the prospect of not having the money to cover hospital costs or to care for the child.

The election of Bill Clinton should be viewed as an opportunity for the pro-life movement to redirect its focus. The new strategy should include support for national health insurance for everyone, the establishment of pro-life counseling centers in every church and neighborhood, meaningful financial support for disadvantaged new mothers and the beginning of a national advertising campaign seeking to persuade women in the most gentle ways to choose life rather than abortion.



Stevenson Ranch
