
Argentinian Exchange

Though a recent travel section foreign exchange rate chart showed a U.S. dollar to be worth .8474 Argentinian pesos, for all practical purposes, in Argentina $1 equals 1 peso and is interchangeable with the peso as currency. If you change money at a bank or hotel you will indeed give up 5%-10% in the exchange but there is no need to do this since your dollars will be universally accepted 1 to 1.

Just to complicate things, Argentina’s old currency, the severely devalued australe, is still in use. To figure the value of your australe note, just take off four zeros. For example, 50,000 australes equals a mere 5 pesos or 5 dollars. Once you get used to using three different and interchangeable currencies, it’s not such a problem. But unless you’re confident about it, merchants and cab drivers will take advantage of you. Just remember: A peso equals a dollar, take four zeros off the australe, watch the cab drivers and don’t bother changing your money. You’ll end up with plenty of everything.


Sherman Oaks
