
Social Security in Aging America

In response to “The Baby Boom Will Bust Us,” Commentary, Nov. 26:

I cannot let Robert J. Samuelson’s misconception that Social Security is welfare stand without a rebuttal. Social Security is not welfare; rather it is our government’s retirement annuity for workers. Consider the following:

1. With an annuity the individual pays in a monthly fee during the working years so that he or she will receive back a monthly payment during the retirement years. The same is true for Social Security.

2. With an annuity the more that is paid in, the more that is received back. The same is true for Social Security.


3. With an annuity it is possible that the worker will die before receiving back all the money that was paid in. The same is true for Social Security.

4. With an annuity it is possible to receive back more money than was paid in. The same is true for Social Security.


