
The Scouts’ Oath, God and the Almighty Dollar

It’s unfortunate to read that Anaheim attorney James G. Randall, not content with harassing the Boy Scouts, has decided to expand his scope to include the Girl Scouts as well.

Once again, we are told that the atheist girl is being required to say an oath to God. She is not being required to say anything. The Scouts do not possess the force of law; if she is uncomfortable subscribing to their creed, it’s easy enough for her to leave.

Scouting is not merely made up of camping and skits; there’s supposed to be a moral component as well.


If its members are allowed to pick and choose what parts of Scouting to which they prefer to pay attention, then the program suffers. Instead of providing any moral background or setting any kind of example for its members, it becomes no more than a field trip society.

On a final note, the public was told that Mr. Randall originally involved himself in this issue because of a big-hearted concern for his two sons. Apparently, his motives have changed, as your article reports his statement that “I’m after their pocketbooks right now; I’m after everything I can possibly get.”

Well, it’s reassuring to know that atheists can’t claim any high moral ground in this dispute. At least Mr. Randall has finally shown himself to be as greedy and self-serving as the next guy.



Fountain Valley
