
Take a Snifter

Many restaurants serve Port by the glass as an after-dinner drink. But, says Port merchant Bartholomew Broadbent, “Be wary if you’re handed one of those little cordial glasses that hold only two ounces.” A standard pour of Port should be 3 to 3 1/2 ounces. If you get less, you may be getting ripped off. He suggests that if you are ordering a glass of some older Port that has an exalted price, it might be prudent to ask how many ounces you get for your money.

Worse, he says, is that tiny glasses prohibit the swirling of the Port. “Port still is fine wine, not a cordial,” he says, “so it should be swirled to get its bouquet.”

If you are served Port in a tiny cordial glass, Broadbent suggests you ask for a standard wine glass or a brandy snifter so you can properly appreciate the wine.
