
Mahony to Lead Philippines Devotion

From a Times Staff Writer

Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles has been named by Pope John Paul II as his personal representative to the 50th anniversary celebration of Crusade for the Holy Rosary next month in the Philippines.

The crusade was started in New York in 1942 by Father Patrick Peyton, who died earlier this year in San Pedro at 83.

Mahony, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Los Angeles, will be the principal celebrant and will deliver the homily Dec. 12 at the four-month celebration’s closing Mass, which is expected to attract 2 million people.


During the crusade, millions of rosaries have been distributed throughout the Philippines as a way of involving Filipinos in rededication of their families to religion. One of the central themes, “the family that prayers together stays together,” was coined by Father Peyton.

“In a century plagued by wars and threats of war,” said Mahony, “Father Peyton reminded us that a world at prayer would be a world at peace.”
