
Conroy Rejects Mediocre Rating, Says He ‘Hit Ground Running’

I was shocked to read The Times overview of our Orange County delegation where I was criticized as having “failed to distinguish himself as a freshman.” (“O.C. Legislative Delegation--Distinguished by Mediocrity,” Editorial, Oct. 25).

Although it is customary for The Times to assail conservative Republicans because of ideology, it is remarkable that you would attempt to editorialize against the facts or my record. I am proud to have led the Orange County Republican Assembly delegation in having the most bills signed into law. Having been elected in a special election in September last year, in less than 10 months I had 18 bills signed into law with only two vetoed.

My campaign pledge to “hit the ground running” was pursued with zeal. I introduced 32 separate bills dealing with a wide variety of issues. Bills signed into law dealt with domestic violence, adoption reform, local school control, protection of veterans memorials, tax relief for the handicapped, expanding disclosure for criminal background checks, and numerous bills to remove bureaucratic red tape for business.


While I expect and welcome attacks from the Los Angeles Times for my conservative anti-tax activism, I believe that your current charge of failure to “distinguish” myself as a freshman is a poor representation of the facts, clouded by your liberal ideology.


Assemblyman, 71st District
