
Democracy and Choice in Elections

It is frightening to me that in my own community there are those who are so blind they will not, choose not, to see. Yes, Mr. Bush tells us that “he” beat the dread spread of Communism ‘round the world, but intolerance, both religious and neo-Nazi, seems to have been reborn in its stead, here and abroad, and most seriously, in the Republican stand, with denunciation and denial of all God’s children. Ways of life. And of America’s right of assembly, worship, and yes, freedom of choice.

How scary it is to think that in this land of democracy, the land of the free and the home of the brave, the sickening, despicable Khomeini call to jihad years ago, against all of us, “the infidels,” has cancered its way into the Republican platform--against “some” of us! How have we permitted a religious tyranny here at home, more insidious a threat than ever we faced from the enemy outside, to tear asunder our separation of church and state, the very fabric safeguarding democracy?

We must stop this self-destructing, immoral war of “one way/my way/the right way only” here and now, or all democracy shall perish from the face of this earth.


We still have a voice in this issue: We can vote to let it happen; we can not vote; or we can stem the rising tide. Republicans are out this year, it’s as simple as that. Give them a couple of years to simmer down, and rethink their program, and you’ll still have the choice to vote as you choose, in the future. But don’t ever give it away, not ever. Just like Russia, like Red China, like our 13-state beginnings--it will take a revolution to get it back.

Protect your right to choose. From bearing arms, to bearing children--or not. From reading and art, to work and to friends. Vote for choice. It is our only chance. To survive. As a democracy. Vote for choice.


Manhattan Beach
