
Kill Perks, Skip Raise

Do county officials really believe that we are this gullible? They have been receiving up to $18,000 in perks while “serving” the county. Now that many of them are getting close to retirement, they want to decrease their perks and increase their base pay. Retirement benefits are based upon all of the base pay while only a part of the perks is included.

Will their retirement pay increase? What is the long-term impact on the taxpayer from such a change?

It would be helpful if the county personnel office would publish both the near-term impact to the taxpayers as well as the long-term impact of such changes. It would be a service to the community for your paper to report the real impacts of the proposed pay actions. Based upon the economic environment and their current base pay, they should consider deleting their perks without increasing their pay.



Port Hueneme
