
Trees Part of Quality Life

The rural quality of life in Ventura County is comparable to the numbers and varieties of trees that grace the area. It seems ridiculous that anyone could lose sight of the importance of trees to our lives, but some people have.

In order to protect our air quality, lifestyle and the centuries-old inhabitants of this county, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors earlier this year adopted a tree-protection ordinance. It prohibits the pruning and trimming of certain protected trees countywide without a permit (among them ash, alder, bay, cottonwood, elderberry, big cone Douglas fir, white fir, juniper, maple, oak, pine, sycamore, walnut, as well as, historical trees and heritage trees).

If you witness the cutting of a tree that you suspect is protected, there should be no problem in approaching the trimmer. He will show you his permit. Any trimmer who does not have a permit is violating the ordinance and needs to get one. If he refuses, the homeowner will be held liable for ordinance violation fines. If the tree trimmer is determined to continue cutting without a permit, you can take action by getting his name, the address where the tree is being cut and a phone number to refer to the county planner. Taking photographs of the trimmers in action and the state of the tree is another way to deter illegal tree trimming.


The bottom line for maintenance of Ventura County’s rural beauty is whether we act to protect our trees and natural resources. County agencies can’t do it alone.


