Readers on Each Side Respond to Residential Treatment Story
In regard to the article, I have one reaction: What a disgrace! The parents of Cara Vanni conspired to kidnap her based solely on the fact that they did not approve of her behavior. As a 15-year-old, I am frightened that I am not protected by the Fourth Amendment and that I am thought of only as the property of my parents.
That is not to deny that this family is in crisis, but perhaps a father who believes that corporal punishment is appropriate discipline would be better served by joint counseling, not the incarceration of his daughter. Mr. Vanni seems to be lacking in the basic parenting skills. Discipline is based on mutual respect, not the fear of physical harm. Therefore, I feel that the collapse of this family structure was a long time in coming, not due to a semester at San Clemente High School.
Nick Clemente, Laguna Niguel