
Students in the Baldwin Park and Azusa...

Compiled by SUE AVERY

Students in the Baldwin Park and Azusa unified school districts and the El Monte City School District have won awards at the Los Angeles County Fair.

Eight Baldwin Park students were recognized for their entries in the Education Expo Exhibit. They include Raul Briseno, Elwin Elementary School, eagle sculpture; Tiffany Rodriguez, Vineland Elementary School, papier-mache mouse, and Denise Montalvo, Heath Elementary School, ceramic mask.

Students at Sierra Vista High School singled out for their efforts are Andres Ochoa, George Rivera and Carlos Rosas, mechanical drafting; Marvin Cuenca, pictorial drafting, and Yun Wang, architectural model.


Azusa students recognized for their entries in the Student Art Competition are Jason Bustamante, Paramount School; Nellie Jaime, Slauson School; Jesus Martinez, Mountain View School, and Anthony Junius and Gilliam Sweeney, Lee School.

El Monte students from Gidley School who were recognized are Felix Salazar, science project on kidneys; Kristy Fong, egg baby nursery; Danny Fong, flat art pots art project; Stacie Sayre, science project on brain dominance; Melissa Chang, science project on soap and surface tension, and John Hake, science project on homemade capacitor. Felicia Martinez of Potrero School was honored for a woodworking project and Raine Wallace of Rio Hondo School for a decoupage project.

Stacie and Jeremy Martinez of Gidley School also won science awards at the California State Fair in Sacramento.
