
U.S. Aid Agency and Overseas Jobs

Regarding the Column Left by Alexander Cockburn (Sept. 28) and your front-page story on the U.S. Agency for International Development: As a middle-class Republican I have found reason to not want to vote for President Bush because of his stands on choice, the religious right, Iraq, the S&L; failures, etc., but I must say this program is the final straw.

This program will create a new group on welfare that were once productive American workers. It becomes more evident by the day that what the Republicans are seeking to eliminate is livable wages for the American working class. The picture that comes to mind is no middle class, no home ownership for future generations, a country of landed gentry and subservient workers. It will be the only way we can compete with Mexico and the rest of Central America. The worst part of this whole thing is that the American taxpayers are footing the bill for their own downfall.


