
Iranian Arms Shipments to Bosnia

I am amazed at our officials’ attitude toward Iran’s arms shipment to Bosnia (Sept. 10). We all know that the struggle is one-sided and the Bosnians need to defend themselves.

“We don’t need more weapons in Bosnia” one U.S. official said. “More arms are not going to help reduce the level of tension and violence and bloodshed.” Heaven forbid a Bosnian might kill an aggressor in self-defense!

If we don’t want to involve our troops, like we did in the Persian Gulf, we should at least give the Bosnians arms to defend themselves, like we did in Afghanistan. Or maybe it’s not human rights that we are concerned about. Just oil, as in the case of the Gulf War and a power struggle where Afghanistan was concerned. We did manage to bring down the Soviet Union!


Your article said, “A U.S. official who outlined the apparent case of Iranian smuggling and Croatian complicity on behalf of Bosnian Muslims said it shows that ‘there are no good guys in this thing.’ ”

I didn’t realize we Americans were such bad guys during the Afghanistan crisis! How do we justify our injustice and this double standard?


Santa Monica
