
Paper Diaper-Using Welfare Mothers Get No Sympathy Here

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I wonder why you keep asking for sympathy from hard-working taxpayers such as myself when the people interviewed on welfare deserve their poverty.

Case in point: Sandy Estrada has 15-month-old twins and a 4-month-old baby. Here is a single mother, collecting welfare, who makes her situation much worse by having another baby. And I should feel sorry for her? Give me a break! She has the nerve to bring babies into this world when she can’t afford to feed herself. Rather than pay her welfare, let’s pay to get her tubes tied.

Then we have 18-year-old Jessica Perusse who started collecting Aid to Families with Dependent Children when her son was born two years ago. It must have been tough for Miss Perusse to have a baby when other young girls were having their Sweet 16s.


While collecting AFDC and welfare, and griping about how she needs more money to make ends meet, what does she go and do? She has another baby, a daughter born to her six months ago. Hasn’t she ever heard of contraceptives? If these women, and the many others on welfare who are stealing my tax dollars, can’t make ends meet with one child, why do they go and have more children? How dare they do something like that and then try to get pity from hard-working people like me?

No one can predict the future, and welfare is there to help those who find themselves in dire circumstances. However, these two women have self-made dire circumstances.

If enough of these ignorant women suffer, maybe word will get out that popping out babies every nine months is no longer going to be rewarded by us hard-working Americans.


