
Is Charles Finley Back in Oakland?

I am (or was) an Oakland A’s fan, and I am presently mourning the loss of my hero, Jose Canseco.

The relationship that I have built, be it from a distance, with Canseco, Mark McGwire, Walt Weiss, Dave Stewart, Rickey Henderson, etc., has given me happiness, excitement, thrills, frustration, anger and even one or two moments of tears.

However, in a single instant, my relationship was halted by greedy, self-centered, suit-wearing, car-phone-toting power mongers. I feel betrayed.


Regardless of my personal loss, I can’t help but think that all baseball fans lose. Canseco represented more than just another all-star. He was clearly an icon for the team.

It would be impossible to imagine players such as Magic, Bird, Gehrig, Mantle, etc., with any team other than that they played for, whereas the Dickersons, the Barkleys and all the other crybabies have always been met with some contempt for their lack of loyalty.

For us die-hard Oakland fans, this is not the first time our heroes have been sent away. After three World Series titles, another (former) greedy owner fixed something that wasn’t broken. Perhaps Charles Finley has returned.



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