
POINT MUGU : Man Rescued After Falling Into Ocean

A La Puente man fell at least 30 feet from a concrete bridge near Mugu Rock in Point Mugu State Park into the water and nearly drowned before he was rescued Sunday evening, authorities said.

William Archuleta, 33, suffered a head injury and got water in his lungs after falling into the ocean about 7 p.m. He was listed in serious condition at St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard, nursing supervisor Sue Crews said.

Fire Department Capt. George Calloway said the accident occurred when Archuleta and his girlfriend hiked up a stretch of pavement, part of the old Pacific Coast Highway, next to Mugu Rock.


Sheriff’s Deputy David Williams said Archuleta and the woman, who was not identified, “were drinking a glass of wine. He stood up and stepped to the right” and fell into the ocean.

“He went into the water and apparently hit his head on rocks under the water. He was unconscious and had to be rescued by passersby,” Calloway said.

Archuleta was flown by Sheriff’s Department helicopter to the hospital.

Calloway said Mugu Rock, a popular spot for fishing and walking along the rocks, is frequently the site of such accidents.


“It looks fairly safe,” Calloway said. “But it’s really not. The surf is boiling in a hole right there.”

Although there have been four or five falls this year, there have been no fatalities. But “we lost three fishermen two years ago there,” Calloway said.
