
Clinton Republicans: Brave or Turncoats?

It is no surprise that Dana Parsons, who lambastes Republicans and fervently disagrees with everything the party stands for, now comes to the defense of Kathryn Thompson, Harriett M. Wieder and other fair-weather opportunists. Thompson claims that her alienation stems from an alleged lack of attention by President Bush to the economy. Let us note that Thompson not only opposes George Bush but has bankrolled efforts to unseat incumbent Republican congressmen, including yours truly. Her real problems are that she no longer believes in the basic conservative principles that have been the foundation of the party, and she’s just plain confused.

That Parson quotes Dick O’Neill, a rich elitist, godfather of Orange County Democrats, in support of Thompson, speaks for itself.

Ms. Thompson and Ms. Wieder have tremendously benefited by their “Republican credentials.” Now, the first time victory seems uncertain, they jump ship. Not even Dana Parsons can make that palatable.


DANA ROHRABACHER, Congressman, Huntington Beach
