
PLATFORM : Diversity Training

<i> Generating investment capital for minority-owned businesses is a struggle, but CARLTON JENKINS, the managing director of a black bank in South-Central, says that the situation is changing</i> :

There’s a perception of risk in communities like South-Central. That perception is invalid.

I think a lot of is driven by naivete. Most of these (outside investors) have never set foot in a community like this. Corporate America needs to spend more time in this marketplace, outside of the corporate veil. CEOs, presidents, decision-makers need to interact in a social way. They need to come down from the 60th floor and eat in a black restaurant, go to a black movie chain, patronize a black mall--get a sense of what these communities are about. What they will find is that there is basically no difference between people in this market and the people in a market like West Los Angeles. If given the same kind of economic advantage, then this market would be as significant as any other in the city.

There is a need for exposure, a need for diversity training. All this community has ever said is we’ll play the game as well as anyone else. Just don’t put a gate at the entrance to the stadium.
