
Youth Theatre Gets a New Home in Paramount Studios Sound Stage

The California Youth Theatre, a nonprofit theater arts training program for teens and young adults and a community outreach program for at-risk youth, is being given the use of a sound stage and other facilities at Paramount Pictures.

Paramount announced Thursday that it has “designated Stage 23 on its lot as the group’s ‘home.’ ” The youth theater will use the sound stage for rehearsals, subject to the studio’s shooting schedule. The studio also will supply the group with office space and other technical support, including “access to wardrobe, makeup, props and assistance in stage lighting,” it said.

The 30-year-old California Youth Theatre, under artistic director Jack Nakano, is patterned after the National Youth Theatre in Britain, teaming working professionals with young people ages 12 to 25. Alumni include the Bottoms brothers--Timothy, Joseph, Sam and Benjamin--Eric Stoltz and Randolph Mantooth.


During the year, the company of 100 to 200 young people also operates an outreach program at the county’s MacLaren Children’s Center, funded by United Friends of the Children. The performance arm of the company puts on free shows for the public each summer that are the culmination of its training program.

The studio plans to include the donated space as part of its obligation to the city’s 1% arts fee for new construction, a spokesman said.
