
Bill Would Curb Transmission of Junk Ads Over Fax Machines

Times Staff Writer

Legislation to restrict the transmission of unsolicited junk advertising material over fax machines has been approved by the state Senate.

A 24-2 vote sent the measure (AB 2438) by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sylmar) back to the Assembly for expected concurrence in Senate amendments. It would then be sent on to Gov. Pete Wilson.

“Junk fax advertising costs businesses and consumers both time and money,” said Sen. Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco).


Unsolicited fax advertising material would have to include the sender’s toll-free telephone number and address so recipients could request that the transmissions be stopped.

If the tranmissions continued, the sender could be fined $500 for each fax sent after the stop notification was filed.


Bills Signed

Space Launch: SB 1416 by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) to implement a state commercial space launch assistance program to promote California and specifically Vandenberg Air Force Base as a world center for commercial space launches.


ATMs: AB 2389 by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore (D-Los Angeles) to require banks to notify users of automated teller machines of any transaction surcharge before the completion of a withdrawal.

Voter Registration: AB 2590 by Assemblyman Bob Epple (D-Norwalk) to permit people who become U.S. citizens after the regular voter registration deadline has passed to register up to seven days before an election.

Bills Vetoed

Student Loans: AB 1477 by Sen. Patrick Johnston (D-Stockton) to expand the ability of the California Student Loan Authority to provide supplemental student loans to middle-income students. The governor said that funds provided by recent federal law should meet the needs that the bill was intended to address.


Laxatives: AB 343 by Assemblyman Bruce Bronzan (D-Fresno) to prohibit retailers from displaying laxatives and diuretics for possible use in weight control next to diet pills. The governor said he did not think it was appropriate for the state to tell merchants where to place legal products within their stores.


Floor Action

Sexual Assault: Passed and sent to the governor on a 31-0 vote a bill (SB 296) by Sen. Art Torres (D-Los Angeles) to prohibit the disclosure of the name and address of a sexual assault victim without the consent of the victim.

State Colleges: Passed on a 29-2 vote and returned to the Assembly for concurrence in amendments a bill (AB 3294) by Assemblyman Paul Woodruff (R-Yucaipa) to authorize state colleges to offer a variety of student fee payment options, including credit cards and a fee deferment plan.

Dogs and Cats: Passed on a 33-0 vote and returned to the Assembly for concurrence in amendments a bill (AB 3088) by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) to require people who obtain dogs or cats from animal shelters to have them spayed or neutered within 60 days or face a $100 fine.

Tax Cheater Rewards: Rejected on a 21-8 vote a bill (AB 3665) by Assemblyman Paul Horcher (R-Hacienda Heights) to provide rewards for tipsters who provide information leading to the collection of underreported or unreported state sales taxes. Reconsideration granted.


Campaign Press Secretary: The Bush/Quayle ’92 California Presidential Campaign team has named James Lee as its press secretary. Lee, 28, currently serves as deputy press secretary to Gov. Pete Wilson.
