
Perot Abandons His Campaign

Perot supporters are probably exasperated now that their candidate has declined to run because they want more than simply change: They want action. They believe that what this country needs now is a bold stroke to get the economy moving and to deal effectively with our economic allies and competitors abroad.

The goal of putting people back to work and making America economically strong again can best be achieved, however, not by a bold stroke by an individual, even the President, but rather by the combined efforts of the executive and legislative branches of the federal government.

I believe that only a Democratic President working with a Democratic Congress can effect the changes that Perot supporters demand. Real political and economic bold strokes can only come to fruition by working through the process to initiate programs with the appropriate funding.


Perot supporters: If you want to see your goal achieved, you cannot stay out of the political process, and you will not see change coming from a Bush Administration. The answer: Support the candidates of the party of change and action, the Democratic Party.


Culver City
