
This Name Is Nothing New

Regarding the article by James Quinn of June 14, “Most Profound Changes Sweep North Hollywood”:

The attempt to cast Valley Village as an elitist “secessionist” group is misunderstood.

The seed for the community name identity was planted in May, 1939.

The Valley Village Specific Plan is the community’s effort to carry out that 43-year-old identity and build community pride by developing a vibrant, viable, livable place to live. Our agenda is to preserve the past and to provide for sensitive and sensible future development.

We encourage other neighborhoods, not only North Hollywood but throughout the San Fernando Valley to develop their own community identification, pride and spirit.


Valley Village is an eclectic old-fashioned neighborhood of good neighbors . . . caring for and about each other and we are working hard to keep it that way.



Dinkin and Garham are co-presidents of the Valley Village Homeowners Assn.
