
By Any Measure, There’s Room for More Women in Politics

I am currently an appointed member of the Orange County Republican Central Committee, and I was appointed by a man. I am now a newly elected member of this committee. The composition is 19 men and 23 women.

We cannot expect preferential treatment on one hand and then be expected to be treated as equals when it serves our purpose.

Candidates who run for office must expect either to win or lose on the merits of their own campaigns. Someone told me recently that those who won by small margins ran an excellent campaign. However, those who lost by a small margin did so because they had a poorly run campaign. Jo Ellen Allen (winner) is an example of the former. Judith Ryan is the latter (loser).


After the election, we must all pull together and vote for the winners. To do otherwise splits up the GOP, just like the Democrats anticipate.

E. SANFORD, Huntington Beach
