
Corruption, Greed Rip American Fabric

“Into the Limelight” (May 10) describes attorney Mickey Kantor of the law firm of Manatt, Phelps, Phillips & Kantor and their representation of presidential candidate Bill Clinton and the Democratic political machine.

It is not made clear that the Republican party, to a large extent, represents the multinational corporations, while the Democratic party represents the large international law firms.

Corruption and greed are destroying the democratic fabric of this country on both sides of the aisles in Washington and Sacramento and at Los Angeles City Hall.


It is already very evident that neither George Bush or Bill Clinton are favorites of the electorate, no matter how hard Mickey Kantor is working for Bill Clinton. It will be demonstrated in November when many incumbents will not return to Washington to the disappointment of Manatt, Phelps, Phillips & Kantor. It is time for a change in politics and the method of operation.


