
U.S. Syndicate: Italians Got Help

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The America 3 syndicate is looking into the possibility that Il Moro di Venezia, its opponent in the America’s Cup match starting Saturday, received illegal assistance from the eliminated French team in making sails.

The Cubens say Il Moro used the sails--two gennakers and one spinnaker--against New Zealand in the challenger finals, which they won, 5-3, last week.

“We know they went out and tested the French sails, and we know the French were on the boat,” America 3 Executive Vice President David Rosow said. “Their downwind speed increased dramatically, and we know from watching the finals from Guzzini that their downwind sails were similar, if not identical, to what the French were using.”


The Guzzini is America 3’s notorious, electronics-loaded “spy” boat.

One report said the Italians tried to copy the French sails but they didn’t come out right, so a sailmaker from the French team helped make the new ones. Boats, parts and sails must be designed by nationals of the country represented.

Another report said a New Zealand national had designed the Il Moro mast.

“We’re doing some research on that,” Rosow said.

Rosow said America 3 plans to gather its information and present it to the match jury this week, rather than wait until Saturday and ambush the Italians with a red protest flag for a technical violation.

“We won’t play that way,” Rosow said.
