
Chevron’s Concern for Seals

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Regarding your informative article (“Safely Harbored,” April 16, Ventura County Life) focusing on measures being taken in Carpinteria to minimize adverse impacts on the harbor seal colony, readers may also be interested to learn of steps taken by Chevron--operator of the adjacent oil and gas processing plant and offshore platform service boat pier, which has been there since the 1960s--to protect the harbor seals.

As a company policy, since the 1970s our employees have instructed beach-goers to avoid disturbing seals. Chevron also designed, funded and maintains signs on the bluffs asking the public to help protect the seals and erected temporary fencing to restrict access to the seals during pupping season.

Chevron has planted dozens of shrubs atop the Carpinteria bluffs to camouflage human observers from the skittish seals; it was a Chevron employee who first brought the idea of protecting seals by local ordinance to the attention of Carpinteria’s City Council; and Chevron distributes flyers to employees, contractors and the public who visit our property, in a further effort to educate people about the seals and their sensitivities.


Should readers have any questions or comments about Chevron’s efforts to limit disturbances to the Carpinteria harbor sea colony, please contact our environmental staff at 658-4300.


Chevron Plant Manager

