
Yokohama Gallery Invites Art Entries

Artists from San Diego and Tijuana are being invited to submit slides to be considered for inclusion in an exhibition at the Yokohama Citizens’ Gallery in Yokohama, Japan. The show, which is being organized in recognition of the 35th anniversary of the San Diego-Yokohama Sister Cities Friendship, will take place Oct. 1-21, and will include works in all media.

The exhibition is being sponsored by the San Diego, Tijuana, Yokohama Citizens’ Art Exchange Committee in cooperation with the Centro Cultural de la Raza. There is a May 15 deadline for submission of entries. Entry forms are available at the Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park, the Arts Calendar Office, 744 G St. Suite 107, and art stores and selected galleries, or by calling and leaving a message with a name and address at 295-0229 or 298-7473.
