
Cool Temperature Kept Mango From Bearing

QUESTION: I have a six-year-old mango tree that was covered with blossoms for the first time this spring. Some blossoms formed fruit about the size of small green peas. However, all the immature fruit fell off. Can you tell me what happened?

ANSWER: According to Chuan Aranyawat, a tropical fruit expert at Tomlinson’s Nursery in Whittier, mangoes need consistent warm weather to keep fruit on the tree. Unfortunately, this year’s spring and summer weather was unusually cool, and most Southland mango trees didn’t produce much fruit. The tree should produce fruit when spring and summer temperatures return to more typical patterns.

Hungry Deer Nibble Off Their Flowers

Q: We live in area where browsing deer consume a goodly portion of our landscape, especially flowers. Can you suggest some flowers that deer won’t eat?


A: That’s a tough assignment. If they are hungry enough, almost any plant will look good to a deer. However, here are a few flowers that deer usually avoid: zinnias, agapanthus, lupine, tulips, iris and calendula.
