
Altadena : Speed Bumps On the Way

A representative of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works told the Town Council that three areas of Altadena have been targeted for the county’s pilot speed-bump program.

Within three to six months, speed bumps will be installed on about 11 streets clustered along: West Palm Street from Glenrose Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue; Pepper Drive from New York Drive to Washington Boulevard, and Olive Avenue from West Palm Street to Ventura Street.

Three additional streets whose residents petitioned for the speed bumps were rejected: one block of Las Flores Drive, one block of East Palm Street from Reposa Avenue to Holliston Avenue and four blocks of Santa Rosa Avenue.


The project will cost about $15,000, said Christopher Ramstead, DWP traffic engineer.

The bumps will remain in place for six months to a year while traffic engineers study their effectiveness in reducing speeding.
