
Cory S. Sims Wins Merit Scholarship

Cory S. Sims of Eagle Rock High School is among 1,150 winners of corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships, winning a Santa Fe Pacific Foundation award.

The winners are among more than 6,300 high school seniors in the 1992 competition, who are to receive Merit college scholarships worth more than $25 million.

Most of the 400 companies underwriting the scholarships provide awards annually for finalists who are children of their employees or members, residents of communities the company serves or who have career interests the grantor wishes to encourage. Most corporate-sponsored scholarships are renewable for up to four years and will provide between $500 and $2,000 or more per year.


More than 1 million students participated in the 1992 program, and were judged on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The 15,000 named semifinalists were then judged on academic standards, recommendations from their principals, a second test and activities, interests and goals.

In addition to the corporate-sponsored winners named last week, two other groups of Merit Scholars will be announced. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation is to name 2,000 winners of the National Merit $2,000 scholarships, for which all 14,000 finalists compete, Wednesday.

Names of 3,000 winners of college-sponsored Merit Scholarships will be announced in May.

The nonprofit National Merit corporation was established in 1955. Most scholarships are underwritten by 600 independent sponsor organizations.
