
Councilman Jerry Milner and Term Limits in Glendale

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Our thanks go to former Councilman Jerry Milner for assuming leadership in getting term limits in Glendale. There is no doubt but what he will be successful, but he needs strong support from all concerned voters when it comes time to get the petitions signed. It is too bad that our current council members will not cooperate and put this on the ballot without all of the work involved in getting the petitions signed.

If two terms are enough for our President, they are certainly enough for our council members, who seem to acquire more extravagant spending habits the longer they are in office. Imagine a copper roof on our new fire station! Is there any roof more expensive? If so, let’s have it and raise our water and electric rates.

For those of you who naively believe that serving on our council is strictly volunteer work, be informed that council members are paid approximately $11,000 yearly for a few hours of work each week. They also receive free medical insurance as well as other perks, including free membership in the prestigious Oakmont Country Club, etc.


Is it any wonder that so many “volunteers” seek this cushy job and want to keep it as long as possible?


