
Glendale : Language Skills Census

The percentage of students of limited English proficiency in Glendale schools rose 2% this school year, reaching 51% of the district’s 27,252 pupils, according to a state-mandated language census report presented to the Board of Education on Tuesday.

The Limited-English Proficiency (LEP) population was counted at 13,890 in March, an increase of 1,307 from the previous year, compared with an overall enrollment increase of 1,579. A second group classified as Fluent-English proficient increased by 4,493 students, the report said.

Armenian is the largest contingent in the LEP category, followed by Spanish, Korean, Pilipino/Tagalog, Persian and Arabic.


Over the past 10 years, the district’s combined LEP and FEP student population--consisting of pupils who speak a language other than English at home--has grown from 37% to 67.5%, and the number of certified teachers instructing LEP pupils has increased from 45 in 1991 to 62 this year.

Glendale schools with the largest percentage of LEP students are at the elementary level.
