
The Cost of LivingThe Times’ monthly survey...

The Cost of Living

The Times’ monthly survey of the cost of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found a 39% increase in the cost of broccoli in March, reflecting a 13% monthly increase nationally in vegetable prices received by farmers. While prices received by U.S. farmers for vegetables increased, prices for fruit slipped by 2.4% from February levels. In the Times’ survey, prices for navel oranges dropped by 13% in March. The Times surveys the same five Southland markets at the end of each month to compile a snapshot of consumer prices in area grocery stores. A 10% seasonal increase in Department of Water and Power water rates is also recorded.

Marketbasket The cost of 15 grocery items tracked by The Timesshows its lowest total for the last nine months in January, when major Southland grocery chains had the greatest number of sales. The marketbasket is swayed most by sales and the seasonal availability of produce. 1991 June: $35.74 July: $35.47 Aug.: $35.49 Sept.: $34.94 Oct.: $35.32 Nov.: $36.07 Dec.: $35.87 1992 Jan.: $34.83 Feb.: $36.14 March: $35.70

Nov. March % Chg. Shelter Rent (2-bedroom, $934.86 $859.23 -8% unfurnished apt.) Utilities**** Natural gas $47.82 $43.70 -9% Telephone $27.69 $27.69 unchg. Electricity DWP (400 kwh) $36.74 $39.03 +6% Southern(500 kwh) $56.61 $56.61 unchg. California Edison Water and sewer $38.69 $41.74 +8% Water (DWP) $24.99 $27.50 +10% Feb. March % Chg. Groceries Chicken (per lb., $1.04 $1.43 +38% best of fryer cut up) 13 oz. can $2.54 $2.51 -1% of coffee 1 dz. eggs $2.12 $1.96 -8% (grade AA large) 24 oz. wheat bread $2.07 $2.07 unchg. 1 lb. pinto beans $0.58 $0.65 +12% 10 lb. bag $1.37 $1.41 +3% of potatoes Navel $0.67 $0.58 -13% oranges (per lb.) 1 gal. $2.62 $2.69 +3% homogenized milk 1 lb. broccoli $0.54 $0.75 +39% (fresh) 8 oz. package $1.81 $1.77 -2% of chocolate candy Six-pack $4.60 $4.53 -2% beer (12 oz. cans) 1 doz. corn $0.49 $0.52 +6% tortillas 10 lb. bag $6.66 $6.64 ** dry dog food Super $7.59 $6.97 -8% concentrated detergent (30-load) Toilet tissue $1.44 $1.22 -15% (4-roll package) Eating out Fast-food $0.73 $0.86 +18% cheeseburger Other goods and services 1 gal. gas $1.097 $1.083 -1% (unleaded self-serve) 3-pack, boys $3.96 $4.04 +2% Size 12 cotton briefs Dry cleaning $7.88 $7.84 ** man’s two-piece suit Professional $48.33 $48.24 ** drain cleaning Manicure $8.30 $7.60 -8%


** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season. **** Monthly residential average provided by the utilities.
