
SAN DIEGO : Billy Ray Waldon Gets Death Sentence

While emotional victims, jurors and relatives looked on, Billy Ray Waldon was formally sentenced to death Friday for a 1985 crime spree that took three lives.

Superior Court Judge David Gill had announced Wednesday his intention to uphold a jury’s recommendation that Waldon be executed, but the action was not completed until Friday.

“Billy Ray Waldon shall be put to death by the administration of lethal gas behind the walls of San Quentin,” Gill said, completing a trial that began May 10, 1991.


Waldon, a 40-year-old former Navy enlisted man who prefers the name Nvwtohiyada Idehesdi Sequoyah, defended himself during a bizarre trial.

The jury deliberated for just over six hours to convict Waldon of three murders and 21 other crimes, including rape.
