
Fruit Fly Quarantine Area Expanded

The discovery of a wild Mexican fruit fly in Downey has prompted state officials to expand an agricultural quarantine zone from 60 to 100 square miles of Southeast Los Angeles County.

An unmated female Mexican fly was found in a trap just a half-mile outside the existing quarantine area in Downey on Feb. 13, bringing the number of flies found since last November to 17.

Residents in the zone are prohibited from transporting home-grown fruit and vegetables from the 100-square-mile area in order to prevent the spread of the crop-threatening fruit fly. Much like the Mediterranean fruit fly, the Mexican fruit fly lays it eggs in citrus and soft fruits and the larvae feed on the fruit, ruining the produce for market.


Agricultural officials have been attacking the Mexican fruit fly infestation with the release of about 20 million sterile flies a week. An additional 5 million sterile flies a week will be released in neighborhoods surrounding the latest fly find, officials said. The sterile flies overwhelm the wild fly population and breed it out of existence.

Aerial spraying of the pesticide malathion is not planned at this time, officials said.
