
‘Choice’ Will Mean Chaos

Signatures are being sought within the area of 12th District PTA, covering all of Ventura County, to place a “choice” initiative on the November ballot.

The Parental Choice/Scholarships Initiative isn’t designed to improve our public school system. It’s designed to destroy it. It does nothing to improve the quality of our public school system. It doesn’t mandate higher educational standards nor does it upgrade educational resources for our children. Instead, this initiative will lead to chaos in public education by draining billions of tax dollars from our already financially strapped public schools and community colleges. It will subsidize the education of the wealthiest families while damaging educational opportunities for all other students.

It would allow private schools to discriminate based on gender, religious beliefs, physical or mental handicaps, or academic abilities. This initiative would cost California taxpayers more than $1.5 billion by using our tax dollars to pay for the 531,000 students already attending private and religious schools. Are you willing and ready to pick up the tab?


MARY ANN MEMMER, President, 12th District PTA, Camarillo
