
TELEVISION - Feb. 19, 1992

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

Sky Law: The L.A. city attorney’s office Tuesday filed a motion to dismiss three criminal charges against Bob Tur, a helicopter pilot and reporter for KCOP Channel 13 and KNX-AM (1070). The charges stemmed from a May, 1991, incident during a fire department rescue at the San Pedro breakwater. Tur, whose pilot’s license has been revoked by the FAA, was cleared of any wrongdoing at a hearing before the National Transportation Safety Board in October. The board upheld the FAA’s suspension of his license because of alleged interference with two rescue operations in 1988. Tur, who was honored by Councilwoman Joy Picus last week for his help in the rescue of a man during the flooding in the San Fernando Valley, has appealed his suspension.
