
Concerns About Mammography

Ten years ago I read Dr. Robert Mendesohn’s book “Male Practice” in which he wrote: “I have been warning women for years that annual mammographic screening of women without symptoms may produce more cancer than it detects.”

And most alarmingly he reports that “a quarter of a million women screened in the NCI-ACS mass screening program will in 15 or 20 years become the victims of the worst iatrogenic (doctor-caused) breast cancer epidemic in medical history.”

I am almost 45 and have never had a mammogram and do not intend to. Eight years ago I stopped eating the drug/estrogen-saturated flesh of factory farmed animals or their byproducts (dairy and eggs), and we purchase organically grown fruits and vegetables or we grow our own.


Women must be aware of the causes of breast cancer so that we can act responsibly in preventing it. We cannot foolishly depend on the medical Establishment.


Santa Monica
