
Making Justice Swift and Economical

Re “Judge Makes a Case for Fewer Lawsuits” (Editorial, Feb. 2): Once again it appears that local government’s left hand doesn’t know what its right hand is doing. I was only slightly bemused to learn that while Judge Donald E. Smallwood (Orange County Superior Court) is admirably and creatively working to reduce the court’s logjam, the district attorney’s office is more than willing to pile more on.

As a citizen with upcoming litigation of the most routine and minor sort, and who has been trying since July of last year to assist the D.A.’s office with pretrial disclosure and repeated offers to settle out of court, it is rather strange to be told by the D.A. that he would prefer to go to court.

As a citizen-taxpayer, I am chagrined that my case contributes to the current court clog and runs the costs of justice even higher.


So, kudos to Judge Smallwood. Let’s hope he can educate not only the public to the advantages of arbitration, but the legal staff of the Superior Court system as well.

Who knows? With both hands working together, maybe the court could make justice both swift and economical.

