
PORT HUENEME : Man Robs Credit Union at Seabee Base

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A federal credit union at the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center in Port Hueneme was robbed by a man who escaped onto base grounds without detection, authorities said.

Several customers and employees were in the credit union office when the robber entered about 1 p.m. Wednesday and presented a note threatening bodily harm if his demand for money was not met, said Bill Nugent, special agent in charge of the base’s Naval Investigation Service.

The building that houses the credit union is about 150 yards from a base entrance gate on Ventura Road. Nugent said Thursday that investigators had not yet determined whether the robber was a member of the military, a civilian employee or a visitor to the base.


Nugent said the robber, who wore no apparent disguise, may have fled out the gate onto Ventura Road before security personnel could respond to any alarms.

Investigators did not disclose how much money was taken.

Nugent’s office is investigating the robbery in conjunction with the FBI.
