
Proposition A

It’s feeding frenzy time at City Hall. In a chilling bit of lame-duck politics, Mayor Mo lays claim to the illegal tax money collected under Proposition A.

So too were the citizens of San Diego County preyed upon by the county supervisors, when those servants of the people conspired to construct an illegal tax and attempted to make it more palatable by callously linking the tax to crime and jails.

Instead of accepting the judgment of the California Supreme Court and giving back the money illegally collected by these same county supervisors, Golding and Bilbray and Co. are trying to find a way to keep the cash. In the true spirit of the jungle, Mayor Mo adds her strident wailing for the city’s “share” of the money.


Look folks! It’s our money, it belongs to the citizens of San Diego County. It was taken from us illegally. The court said so. You have to give it back. Your attempts to keep it would make even the most hardened thief blush.

There is a lesson here. I’d advise extra caution the next time we hear from this bunch of politicos. Elections are coming soon. I believe I hear the sound of the support of the people dripping away.

